Award Categories

Please choose the most appropriate category for your nomination. Remember, one well-written nomination with plenty of supporting evidence is better than several which contain little or no information.

Customer excellence – individual or team

This award recognises an individual or team for the quality of service they give their customers. They will provide highly professional and attentive customer service, use clear and timely communication, and exceed customer expectations. The winner of this award will go the extra mile to help customers, and consistently deliver an all-round service.


Nominations are open to any individual or team offering a service to other members of staff within the University, to students, or to external customers.

Supporter of the year – individual or team

This recognises and rewards an individual or team who provides exceptional support to Campus Services. Their help makes it possible to achieve our objectives, deliver quality service and improve the customer experience.


Nominations are open to any individual or team working within the University staff community but not in Campus Services.

Most inspirational leader – individual

This award recognises an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, regardless of their grade or role. This person will inspire others, with an inclusive, confident and engaging approach. They will empower individual team members to achieve their goals and support teams to fulfil their potential.


Nominations are open to anyone who has a leadership responsibility. They may be your supervisor, team leader or manager, at any level.

Newcomer of the year – individual

This category helps supervisors, team leaders or line managers to acknowledge and recognise a colleague who is new to the University, and has already made a positive impact and demonstrated excellence in their area of the business.  


Nominations are open to individuals who have been in their role for more than 6 months, but less than 18 months.

Unsung hero – individual

Sometimes an individual’s contribution to Campus Services is invaluable, but goes unnoticed. This award changes that - by recognising dedicated people who always work diligently behind the scenes. They will be committed to supporting their colleagues, proactive, have a can-do attitude, and make a genuine difference to your working day.


Nominations are open to individuals at support staff grade (Band 200 – 500) and in any role, who you feel deserve greater recognition.

Outstanding team achievement

This team’s efforts and hard work will have resulted in remarkable improvement, or the growth of the service, product or experience they provide. They will also demonstrate the behaviours expected of Campus Services staff. This award will recognise those whose combined skills and attitude have made an outstanding contribution to positive change, or a new initiative.


Nominations are open teams of any size who work together permanently, or who collaborate from time to time.

Outstanding individual achievement

This award will recognise an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to positive change or a new initiative. Their efforts and hard work will have resulted in remarkable improvement, or growth of the service, product or experience they provide.


Nominations are open to individuals at any grade and in any role, who you feel have demonstrated outstanding achievement in the past year - through their own hard work, and/or by going the extra mile to support their colleagues.

Excellent student service – team or individual

This award recognises an individual or team who has made an outstanding contribution to the student experience. They place student satisfaction at the heart of everything they do, provide great support for colleagues, embrace new ideas and initiatives, and consistently provide solutions to student concerns.


Nominations are open to any individual or team who provide an exceptional service to students, or contribute to the student experience.

Continued excellence – individual

This person executes business-as-usual activity to a high standard, and continually makes improvements to their knowledge, skills and delivery.


Nominations are open to any individual who has excelled in their role for over five years.

Role model of the year – individual

This individual embodies the values of Campus Services. They take pride in their work, always do their best, and are always keen to improve. They are collaborative and inclusive. By excelling in their own role, they set an example to others.


Nominations are open to any individual, at any grade and in any role, who is a brilliant role model for Campus Services.

Red Carpet star of the year

All Stars of the Month from August 2019 until February 2020 will be entered for this award, which will be judged by the Red Carpet Ambassadors.


No nomination is required from you.

Director's award

This award, for an individual or a team, will identified by the Director. 


No nomination is required from you.




Professional Services