From time to time, the University receives requests from charitable organisations, or from students or members of staff, seeking permission to hold collections or other charitable fundraising events on campus.
The University is subject to restrictions under the Charities Acts, and also in the way that it can use its property, and therefore needs to approve any such activities.
This policy sets out the process by which such approval can be obtained, and issues that organisers will need to bear in mind when seeking approval.
For the purpose of this document, the expression ‘charitable collection’ means any event on campus held for the purpose of raising funds for any charitable organisations.
The aims of the policy are to:
- Ensure that the University complies with relevant legislation, including the Charities Acts
- Ensure that use of University premises is in accordance with any restrictions affecting the use of its land
- Protect the multi-denominational nature of the University, ensuring that no particular charitable organisation is more favoured than another
- Ensure the number of collections held each year is kept to reasonable proportions in view of special arrangements that may have to be made for them, e.g. organising security staff
- Avoid a clash of collections which might cause confusion
- Ensure that charities and members of the University do not take it for granted that they have permission to collect regularly, and seek permission on each occasion
- Establish a clear and simple mechanism for seeking and granting approval
The organiser of charitable collections should complete an Application Form, and forward it to the University’s Director of Campus Services for consideration. This should normally be done at least three weeks before the date of the proposed collection.
The granting of approval rests with the Director of Campus Services (or their authorised Deputy). The Director may consult with other Senior Officers if necessary, such as the Registrar and Secretary, or with individual Heads of Budget Centres who may be affected. The Director may request further information about the proposed collection, or the charity to benfit from it, prior to reaching a decision.
The Director shall inform the applicant of the decision, and may impose such special conditions as they deem appropriate.
If approval is granted, the Director shall also inform the University’s manager of Security and any Heads of Budget Centres especially affected.
Notes for Organisers
In order to comply with the Charities Acts, collections on campus need to be for a named charity, rather than for a general cause, and that charity should be named on any publicity material. For example: a collection “for victims of the Tsunami” would not be permissable, whereas a collection for Oxfam to aid victims of the Tsunami would be acceptable.
Any collectors or other individuals involved will be required to wear appropriate means of identification, such as a University membership card or an identity card from the external charitable organisation.
Examples of any advance publicity material should accompany the application for approval, and should comply with the University’s Policy on Advertising and Displays on University Property.
Guild of Students
The Guild of Students has in place its own arrangements for the organisations of charitable collections within the Guild building. However where events (such as during Carnival Week) involve activities taking place outside the Guild building, approval will again be required from the Director of Campus Services in accordance with this procedure.