Electric Vehicles

A person charging their electric car.Can I charge my electric vehicle on campus?

Staff wishing to access our EV Charging points should download the BP Pulse app available on the App Store or Google Play. You can choose to either sign up on a PAYG basis or apply to be a Member and pay a monthly subscription. As a BP Pulse Member you will benefit from a cheaper price for charging. The pricing difference can be viewed here.

If you are not a smartphone user then you can still sign up as a BP Pulse Member via their website, once registered you will be sent a membership card for use in accessing the charging points. 

Where can I charge?

We currently have 39 charging points on campus. Their locations are:

Brailsford Drive Multi Storey car park - 24 charging points
North East Multi Storey car park - 2 charging points (located at the roof level)
Beech House (within the Edgbaston Park site close to the exit onto the Bristol Road) 1 charging point
The Running Track car park (opposite the Teaching & Learning building) -  4 charging points
Hills car park6 charging points and a double socket Rapid Charger.

There is no specific time limit to charging your vehicle on campus and we do not operate blocking charges.  The bays are charging bays and not general parking spaces however so you should not park your EV vehicle in a charging space if you are not charging your vehicle at all.

Rapid Charger Use
Please ensure that you are only plugged into the rapid charger for the time necessary to charge your vehicle (we would suggest a max of 2 hours) and then unplug and move to another bay. You will continue to be charged when plugged even if your charge is full. 

Please contact carparking@contacts.bham.ac.uk if you experience any issues with the charging points on campus.

I am not a member of staff. Can I still charge my electric vehicle?

Students and visitors wishing to charge their electric vehicles on campus can use the points available on the roof level of the North East multi-storey car park.  The EV chargers at Brailsford Drive multi storey will be available to students and visitors outside of core hours, i.e after 6pm Monday - Friday and all day at weekends.


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