Limits and Conditions

Current limits and conditions

 Expense Type Condition Maximum reimbursement
Mileage - car up to 10,000  45p per mile
Mileage - car above 10,000  25p per mile 
Mileage - motorbike  All Miles 24p per mile 
Mileage - Bicycle All Miles  20 p per mile
Air Travel  All journeys Economy 
Air Travel Exceptional Circumstances: see section 5.22 Premium Economy (or Business Economy if Premium Economy does not exist) 
Subsistence - Breakfast * All Locations  £15 including VAT and service 
Subsistence - Lunch All Locations £15 including VAT and service
Subsistence - Dinner * All Locations   £50 including VAT and Service 

* Breakfast and an evening meal are normally only permissable with an overnight stay.

The below accomodation expenditure caps are expected to be adhered to in all but exceptional circumstances. In circumstances where the travel is essential and it is not possible to find accommodation within the limit (within a reasonable distance of the venue) then the cheapest suitable option should be used, only with prior authorisation.

 Expenses Condition Guidance Prices
 Hotel Accommodation  London  £250 including VAT
 Hotel Accommodation   UK, outside London  £180 including VAT
 Hotel Accommodation  Overseas  £200 including VAT

Download the full UoB Expenses Policy (DOCX, 886KB)

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