ID Cards

Student ID Cards

All students are issued with an identity card, free of charge, during the first week of the academic year. Students joining at any other time may obtain these from The Student Help section of the intranet. 

Replacement Cards

If you lose your card or it requires replacement due to wear and tear you can obtain this from The Student Help section of the intranet. A £10 charge will be made for replacement cards due to loss.

Students will only be issued with one card – this is for security reasons to ensure access is controlled to protect our people and buildings.

The identity card is the property of University of Birmingham and anyone issued with a card has responsibility for its care and safety. If your card lost or stolen this should be reported immediately so the card can be cancelled and a replacement issued.

The ID card has several different functions:

  • Identifies an individual as a student of The University of Birmingham
  • Acts as a library card for use at all the University's libraries
  • Acts as a membership card for Sport and Fitness once a memebership is purchased

If you have any queries about Student ID cards, please contact Academic and Student Administration Reception on extension 43091.

Staff ID Cards

All staff at The University of Birmingham should obtain an ID card from HR Operations, Central Staff Hub, Lower Ground Floor, B Block, Aston Webb contact number 0121 414 9000.

New staff members are asked to email a photograph of themselves to before their start date to enable a card to be produced, a convenient date and time will then be arranged for collection, the photograph must be of a similar standard and quality as that of a passport photo and in the format of a .jpg file which should be less than 1 MB.

Staff who are working at the University on a temporary/casual basis or Associate Staff should take a letter confirming their status to the Security Office, Lower Ground, Aston Webb - contact number 43114.

Replacement Cards

If you lose your card or it requires replacement due to wear and tear you can obtain this from the Security Office (address as above) - contact number 43114. For members of staff there is no charge for an initial replacement due to loss but a £10 charge will be made against subsequent replacements (there is no charge for replacement if your card is worn).

Staff will only be issued with one card – this is for security reasons to ensure access is controlled to protect our people and buildings.

The identity card is the property of University of Birmingham and anyone issued with a card has responsibility for its care and safety. If your card lost or stolen this should be reported immediately so the card can be cancelled and a replacement issued.

Your ID card serves several purposes including:

  • Providing a means of identifying an individual as working at the University
  • Acts as a library card for use at all the University's libraries
  • Acts as a membership card for Sport and Fitness once a memebership is purchased
  • Operates building access control systems as managed by various budget centres
  • Operates vehicle control barriers, as managed by University Security 


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