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The BUAFTA shortlist - congratulations go to...

The BUAFTA shortlist - congratulations go to...
We are delighted that two members of the College have been shortlisted for BUAFTAs.
Monday 21st December 2015

Volunteers needed for a clinical trial to advance research into blood cancer

A team at the University of Birmingham's School of Cancer Sciences and the CRUK Clinical Trials Unit is looking for volunteers for a study aiming to improve the outcome of stem cell transplantation for blood cancers.
Tuesday 6th October 2015

Volunteers needed for a clinical trial to advance research into blood cancer

A team at the University of Birmingham's School of Cancer Sciences and the CRUK Clinical Trials Unit is looking for volunteers for a study aiming to improve the outcome of stem cell transplantation for blood cancers.
Monday 1st June 2015
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