The Birmingham Project Themes

Choose a challenge theme that appeals to you

The themes on the Birmingham Project are broad to encourage innovation as part of the challenges you are set. The themes are topical and mirror challenges faced in society.

To help you choose your preferred theme, we have listed some challenges from past Birmingham Projects (below). There is no prior knowledge or research needed before you undertake the Birmingham Project. 

You do not have to take a theme aligned to your degree programme; we encourage students to choose a theme that interests them. 

You are not sent your challenge until your first day, so that everyone starts the Birmingham Project together.

Shaping Global Society (Supported by Expedia Group)

  • How can we get decision-makers to take environmental issues more seriously?
  • How can technology be used to tackle fake news?

Exploring Technology and Innovations (Supported by Siemens)

  • How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) be used for the good of society?
  • How can social media support local businesses in Birmingham?
  • How can immersive and wearable technology transform the way we work?

Developing the Future of Transport (Supported by Transport for West Midlands)

  • How can we develop a vision for future transport which creates cities for people, not cars?
  • How can transport be used to encourage a healthy region?
  • How can cycling become a viable option for commuters in Birmingham?

Digital Design, Arts and Culture (Supported by Condé Nast)

  • How can people engage with Arts and Culture
  • What does the future of digital design look like

Responsible Business (Supported by HSBC)

  • How can businesses help the homeless?
  • How can savers ensure their money is used responsibly?
  • How can consumers ensure their products are slave free?

Developing Community (Supported by West Midlands Combined Authority)

  • How can UoB help to make a sustainable local community
  • How can UoB help to make an ‘inclusive’ local community?
  • How can UoB help to make a literacy loving local community? 

The challenges above are not this year’s challenge questions; they are illustrative examples from previous years.


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