A data management plan (max. three pages, up to four pages for longitudinal studies) is an integral part of the application.
Costs related to data sharing (people, equipment, infrastructure and tools) should be included in the resources' section of the proposal form. If costs of managing legacy data and data sharing are substantial, funding for the following activities should be differentiated:
- Collecting and 'cleaning' new data
- Own research on newly-acquired and legacy data
- Ongoing data curation and preservation
- Providing access and data sharing
Data deposit and sharing
Valuable data arising from MRC-funded research has to be shared in a timely and responsible manner with as few restrictions as possible.
Linking data and publications
The RCUK Common Principles on Data Policy states that “published results should always include information on how to access the supporting data.” Thus, publications should include a data access statement, linking to the deposited dataset or signposting if the data cannot be shared openly.
Data retention
Data should be retained for at least 10 years after the study has been completed, in some cases (clinical research undertaken in MRC research units) for 20 years.