Major modifications refer to changes that are significant and may have implications across a number of areas, such as students' learning experience, completion rates, or satisfaction; internal resourcing; planning, etc. Some major modifications will result in the creation of a new programme code. Major modifications include the following:
2a. Withdrawal or introduction of compulsory modules, or other significant modification to the portfolio of compulsory modules available on the programme, including modification to assessments of compulsory modules if the modifications result in a significant change to the overall balance of methods of assessment on the programme.
2b. Introduction of elements of a new delivery mode, for example elements of Distance Learning or adding a flexible or part-time route.
2c. Any modification that might lead to a significant increase in the resource required to deliver a programme and/or the cost to students, for example introduction of a lab-based element or field trip.
2d. Significant modification to the programme title.
2e. Any modification that intends to, or may result in, an increase in the number of students registered on the programme (including making an alternative qualification directly admissible or adding an extra intake within the year).
2f. Modification of the award, providing the new award is within the same Level in the Office for Students Sector-recognised standards (PDF - 201KB) as the original award, whether directly admissible or not.
2g. Creation of an integrated master’s version of an existing bachelor’s programme, whether directly admissible or not.
2h. Creation of pathways within existing programmes and/or introducing a specialism at PGT level.
2i. Addition of an intercalated year (e.g. Year in Computer Science, Year in International Business). (No programme modification or programme specification needed, see the related FAQ on the Frequently Asked Questions page).
2j. Changing majors (for Joint or Integrated programmes) and/or minors (for Specialist or Joint programmes) available on the degree – if these majors/minors primarily consist of existing modules (completing the Appendix of the programme modification form if it is going to be directly admissible, i.e. part of an entry programme, but not otherwise).
2k. Creating a new major (for Joint or Integrated programmes) and/or a new minor (for Specialist or Joint programmes) for a range of degrees – if these majors/minors primarily consist of existing modules (completing the Appendix of the programme modification form if it is going to be directly admissible, i.e. part of an entry programme, but not otherwise).
2l. Creating a Flexible version of an existing Classic PGT programme or converting a Classic PGT programme to a Flexible programme.