The Office for Students (OfS) requires every University to have a Student Protection Plan, which sets out the measures that the University of Birmingham has in place to protect its students should a risk to the continuation of their studies arise.
If you are planning on withdrawing or suspending a programme that currently has students registered on it, and/or it has offer-holders, and the programme cannot be taught out (i.e. current/prospective students will be impacted by the withdrawal/suspension) you must immediately contact your College Academic Policy Partner (CAPP). Your CAPP will then contact senior colleagues to ascertain whether the Student Protection Plan will need to be triggered. Please do this before making contact with students and/or applicants. When contacting your CAPP, please include as much information as possible, e.g. the number of students involved and what alternative arrangements could be offered, e.g. transfer to a similar programme.
You can access the University of Birmingham’s approved Student Protection Plan here.