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My Attendance
Student Administration
How do I raise an issue with the system?
How do I access My Attendance?
I have forgotten my phone/my phone has run out of charge, what do I do?
I have been marked as absent but I have attended, what should I do?
What happens if I am late to a session?
How long will the code be active for?
I have a session where electronic devices are not allowed, what do I do?
The Academic running the session did not give out a code, what should I do?
What will My Attendance look like on the My UoB app?
Will the preferred name or registered name of the student be shown on the UOB app?
How do I contact my College Education Support Team, Attendance Team or equivalent if I am marked absent or need further advice?
Do I need to register at all sessions?
What if I am not able to attend the session?
Can I share the code with my friend who could not come to the session?
If a session is cancelled, will attendance be taken?
Most helpful FAQs for this category
What happens if I am late to a session?
I have a session where electronic devices are not allowed, what do I do?
How do I contact my College Education Support Team, Attendance Team or equivalent if I am marked absent or need further advice?
What if I am not able to attend the session?
Do I need to register at all sessions?
How do I access My Attendance?
Can I share the code with my friend who could not come to the session?
How do I raise an issue with the system?
What will My Attendance look like on the My UoB app?
I have been marked as absent but I have attended, what should I do?
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