How do I add a new term-time address?

On the 'Update  Addresses and Telephone Numbers - Select Address' page of Online Registration, you will see a list of the current, previous and future addresses we have recorded for you.
To add a new address, select Termtime for 'Type of Address to Insert' in the drop down box towards the bottom of the page, then click on the New Address button.
On the next page, enter your address either by entering your postcode and using the Find UK Address button, or by entering the details into the address fields.
You will need to make sure you include a start and an end date for your address. If you have a previous term-time address listed, the 'Valid from' date will default to the day after the previous ones end. You should neither overlap date ranges between current and previous addresses, nor leave a gap in dates between your addresses. The 'Valid until' date will default to 30th June of the current year for undergraduate students, and 30th September for postgraduate students. You can change the date if you need to.
Please note: if the start date you enter for your current address is later than the end date for your previous address, you will continue to receive emails telling you that you need to update your address details. You should not leave any time gaps between your previous and current address.If your term-time address expires before the end of the academic session a warning message will be displayed 'Warning: This address will expire within the current academic session - it is essential that you update this address on or before the dd/mm/yyyy'. It is important that when your address expires that you return to Online Registration and update your address details.
Check that the details are correct, and click Submit. This will take you back to the previous page. If you are happy with the list of addresses shown, click Return and then submit to save the details.


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