My home / term time address has changed, how do I update it?
Students returning to the University to continue their studies must enter both a home and term-time address when they register.
You must have an up-to-date home address and an up-to-date term time address. These can be the same.
You can add / edit addresses in My Details in the MyUoB App. The MyUoB App is available for download from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play Store by searching for 'MyUoB'. You can also access the web app version of MyUoB on your laptop or tablet.
How do I add / edit a new address on My Details?
- To add a new address, click on the "Add New" button.
- To edit an address, click on the pencil icon under the address you wish to edit.
- To delete an address, click on the trash can icon under the address you wish to delete.
- Addresses of the same type cannot have overlapping dates.
What do the different address types mean?
- Home address - this is the address where you live permanently and you will return to outside of term-time;
- Term-time address - this is the address you live at during term-time; for campus based students this will normally be an address in Birmingham;
- Temporary address - this address type should only be used for short periods of time when you will not be living at your home or term-time address.
What do the different accommodation types mean?
- University owned property (if your term-time address is University provided accommodation)
- Parental / guardian home (if your term-time address is the same as your home address and your parents / guardians own or rent the property)
- Other (if none of the other options apply)
- Not known (if you are unsure as to which of the other options apply)
- Own permanent home (if your term-time address is the same as your home address and you permanently own or rent the property)
- Other rented accommodation (if your term-time address is a privately rented property that isn't rented on a permanent basis)
- Private-sector halls (if your term-time address is private student accommodation)