What happens if I can't attend my Degree Congregation?

Please email us at graduation@contacts.bham.ac.uk if you have booked to attend your Degree Congregation and can no longer attend the ceremony. You have two options available to you:

1. You can choose to graduate in 'absentia', which means in your absence, and have your certificate and transcript posted to you. If you choose to graduate in absentia, this will mean that you can't attend a future Degree Congregation as your degree will have already been conferred.

2. You can choose to defer your graduation and attend a Degree Congregation in December 2023 or July 2024. If you choose to defer, you will not receive your certificate and transcript until your degree is conferred at the graduation ceremony.

Please get in touch with us as early as possible so that we can reallocate your place at the Degree Congregation to someone on the waiting list. If you do not get in touch with us by the end of July 2023 then you will graduate in absentia and will no longer be able to defer to a later ceremony.


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