How do I disclose a disability?

We encourage you to disclose any disability (including; dyslexia, mental health and other health conditions) at the earliest opportunity, so that the University can ensure that the appropriate support is put in place for you in good time.

To disclose your disability on the personal details page in Online Registration:

If you do not wish to disclose your disability in Online Registration you can contact our Student Disability Service by clicking on the Contact Us button at the bottom of this page.

Whichever way you wish to disclose, we will then need to notify other relevant staff within the University for which we need your written consent. A consent form for your use is available at Please provide a completed and signed copy to the Student Disability Service and to your Wellbeing Officer.

Please note: You should be aware that if you choose not to disclose your disability or to limit that disclosure you may not be able to access the full range of support available.


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