How often can I expect to meet with my supervisory team?

How often you meet with your supervisory team will vary depending on your subject area, the nature of your research, the stage of your studies and your registration status (i.e. full time or part time).  University regulations state that you should have a formal supervision meeting at least monthly if you are a full time postgraduate researcher (and the equivalent part time). This requirement is also applicable to those studying via distance learning and on a split location basis. These supervisory consultations should be additional to those instances when the supervisor(s) and postgraduate researcher meet on an informal basis.

If you are dissatisfied or wish to make changes to your supervision meeting arrangements please speak to your Lead Supervisor in the first instance. You also have a Mentor with whom you can raise any concerns or issues in confidence. Your School PGR administrator can let you know who your Mentor is if you are unsure.


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