What do I do if I want to change my supervisor?
If you are dissatisfied or wish to change your supervisor please speak to your Lead Supervisor in the first instance. It may be that any problems can be resolved without a change to the supervisory team. You also have a Mentor with whom you can raise any concerns or issues in confidence Your School PGR administrator can let you know who your Mentor is if you are unsure. Alternatively, Guild Advice in the Guild of Students provides one-to-one free, impartial and confidential advice for all UoB students.
If you still wish to change your supervisor or any other member of the supervisory team, having spoken to these members of staff, you will need to contact your School PGR lead with your request. The School PGR lead is the academic lead for postgraduate research matters in your School. They will be able to authorise a change in supervisor and identify suitable alternatives to your current supervisory arrangements. Your School PGR administrator can provide you with your School PGR lead’s contact details if necessary. If the School PGR lead is a member of your supervisory team you will be referred to your Head of School or Head of College as appropriate.