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Get Hired transcript

Get Hired transcript.

Get Hired!

'Get Hired!' is an exclusive a 3-day programme offering practical workshops, inspiring talks and the opportunity to meet with recruiters offering local graduate level jobs.

Get involved: develop your skills on campus

Through active participation and engagement on campus, you can develop your skills and employability, build networks, and enhance your CV - and potentially, give something back to your University community!

Getting into applied sport science

Jobs are available within a wide range of organisations in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

Getting into sport and health

Health improvement continues to be high on the government agenda, resulting in a range of initiatives linked to physical activity, obesity and healthy living that are being run by local authorities, primary care trusts and voluntary organisations.

Getting into sports business

There are a wide range of potential career pathways including roles in marketing, recruitment, PR, events organisation, commercial management, athlete and talent representation, membership support and operations and your interest in and enthusiasm for sport will be valuable.

Getting into sports coaching and development

Recent years have seen significant investment in community sports projects. A huge £19.4 million was distributed across England as part of the Olympic Legacy, and money has been invested into creating opportunities for more people to play community sport.

Getting into sports journalism

Journalism is a competitive career area and without prior experience you will find it difficult to gain formal work experience on sports desks. It's likely that you will have to learn to be a journalist before you can become a sports writer.

Getting started

Tips and advice to help you get started with start-up and innovation.

Getting women into STEM (Prospects Future You) - Tuesday 18 May

Find out about campaigns to encourage more females into STEM and why increasing the female representation in these industries is so important
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