Contact Careers Network

If you have careers questions or feedback, make sure you get in touch with the right Careers Network service for you.

Where to find Careers Network

Careers in your college

We have a dedicated careers and employability team for each of the University’s five colleges.

Your college careers team provide individual advice and guidance services in locations within your college and deliver a programme of careers and employability support tailored to your needs.

Careers Connect

Careers Connect is the system you can use for booking appointments, signing up to events and viewing vacancies for jobs and work experience opportunities. First-year students may not be able to access this system immediately.

Student help knowledge base

The careers services section of the student help knowledge base includes many frequently-asked questions about the services we offer, and also gives you the opportunity to ask your own questions of Careers Network’s staff.

You can email the team any careers-related questions, or attach copies of CVs, application forms and covering letters for feedback, via the Student Help knowledge base.

Other Careers Network services


B-Enterprising encourages you to take the initiative and make things happen in and outside of your course.  Find out what it means, why it’s sought-after and how you can B-Enterprising.


The Birmingham Award

The Birmingham Award is an employability programme for undergraduates.


Advertising vacancies

Employers can find out more about vacancy advertising and the other services we offer on the employer pages of our website.

Birmingham Business School Careers

Birmingham Business School Careers is a bespoke service for students in the Business School, located in Room G07 in The Alan Walters Building, R29 on the University map



We welcome any feedback, comments or suggestions that you might have about any area of our service. To give feedback, please contact us via the student help knowledge base.


If you wish to complain or raise a concern there is an accessible system in place to do this; we try to resolve complaints as quickly and fairly as possible and in confidence.

For a more detailed explanation of our complaints procedure see the complaints policy and procedure.

Complaints can be raised through:

  • An informal discussion with a Careers Adviser or the Information Manager.
  • Completing an informal comments form.
  • A formal complaint in writing or by email to the Director of Careers Network.


Professional Services