Help Careers Network improve our services!
Careers Network (CN) is constantly changing and developing its services to meet the needs and requirements of students and employers. If you would like to provide feedback to Careers Network by filling out the Careers Network Feedback Form.
Below are examples of actions we have taken based on your feedback:
Advice and Guidance Appointments 
You told us that it would be helpful if, ahead of the appointment, you could let us know what you want to discuss with our advisers. We added this question to most appointments, to fill in when booking.
You told us we were sending too many emails that weren’t always relevant. We have streamlined the number of emails that we send out to students, and at the same time we have improved the targeting of our emails. We are also using other avenues to promote Careers Network, including social media and presentations at induction talks.
Where possible, we send you information about the sectors you have said you are interested in and that are relevant to your year group or College and we are still working to further enhance this.
It's best to keep your areas of interest updated on Careers Connect by logging in and amending your profile as your career plans evolve.
Some students are having difficulty booking appointments with our careers advisers. We know there is high demand for appointments, especially during the autumn term, and this is something we are continuing to work on. In the autumn term we now run Twilight CV Drop-In Sessions (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 17:00 to 19:00), where you can turn up for a one to one appointment with an adviser.
Coming soon...
Keep an eye out for new developments based on your feedback, including collaborating with different teams to streamline emails and a full time drop in spcae on campus!