Student Life

Cost of Living Support

Explore what financial support is available to help make your student experience more affordable at UoB.

Student accommodation

From what's included in University accommodation to how to find the right student home in the private sector, we've got you covered.

Food and drink on campus

Fuel student life with over 20 food and drink outlets on campus. From sushi to Indian street food, there's something for everyone.

Sport and Fitness

Find out about sports activities you can do outside your studies, including performance sports, recreational and volunteering.

Equality & Diversity

Find out more about the Equality & Diversity team, how you can get involved and become an ambassador.

Getting to campus

Wherever you're travelling from, check out our useful travel information for getting to campus and elsewhere in Birmingham.

Staying safe

Information about safety on and off campus including bike safety and keeping your valuables safe.