Welcome to Careers Network

Useful Careers Network links

Below are our most popular pages

Global careers support

We encourage all of our students to take advantage of the opportunities we provide to develop their global outlook and become truly international.

Global Challenge case studies

Global Challenge Case Studies

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week takes place every November and we are celebrating with a series of events and opportunities available to students and graduates.

Go Global Fair - Thursday 21 October

The Fair is all about international opportunities: study abroad placements, summer schools, volunteering, EDI & mobility, staff mobility and other work experiences.

GoinGlobal webinar: The Evolution of Employment: Job Searching During COVID-19

Join career expert and GoinGlobal founder Mary Anne Thompson as she explores proven strategies and tactics for helping job seekers achieve their career objectives in an employment market transformed by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

GoinGlobal's Student Training Session

Interested in finding a job or internship across town or around the world? Register for GoinGlobal's student training session.
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