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Government and Public Sector

Information and useful links on science and technology career options in UK government and the public sector.

Graduate Planning Consultant at Lichfields

Charlotte studied an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning and graduated in 2016. She currently works as a Planner at Lichfields, a planning and development consultancy in the UK.

Graduate recruiter events

Opportunities to meet employers, ask questions, and find out what they are looking for.

Graham Harvey (mentor) - mentoring case study

Mentoring written case study from Graham Harvey who is Head of Wi-Fi Services at consultancy firm Cartesian Ltd.


Graide is a business which was set up by four University of Birmingham students in 2019: George Bartlett, Manjinder Kainth, Austin Tomlinson and Robert Stanyon.

Growing your business

Get tips to help you grow your own business idea.

Growth mindset webinar (Prospects Future You) - Wednesday 12 May

Find out how mindset can accelerate personal development
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