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Below are our most popular pages

Insight into aerospace in the UK

This page provides resources to help research a career into aerospace in the UK..

Insight into careers in local government

Many graduates work in local government, attracted by its focus on service rather than profit, and on developing policies and services for people and communities. Unlike central government, which operates at a national level, local government provides localised services through local authorities.

Insight into careers in the Civil Service

The function of the Civil Service is to support the government of the day to develop and implement its policies in an effective manner. It works in central government departments, government agencies, and non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs)

Insight into Careers using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Getting into careers using geographic information systems, including what it is and when its used, qualifications needed, about careers in the sector and improving your chances of getting in.

Insight into food and drink industries in the UK

This page provides links to help you research a career in food and drink industries in the UK.

Insight into geology careers

What do geology graduates do? Information about getting into careers involving geology, with where to find more information, postgraduate qualifications, what to do next, networking and vacancy links.

Insight into graduate ecology careers

Ecologists are concerned with ecosystems as a whole, the abundance and distribution of organisms (people, plants, animals), and the relationships between organisms and their environment.

Insight into international development

There is no one set career pathway to work in international development, opportunities can based either overseas in a developing country or in the UK. This page provides an insight into this career.

Insight into job sectors

These pages have all of the information you need to explore the types of careers available to you after university. Whether you are interested in exploring a range of careers, have an idea of what you would like to do, or are ready to start applying to roles, these pages have resources for you.

Insight into machine learning

Machine learning is having a substantial effect on many areas of technology and science; examples of recent applied success stories include robotics and autonomous vehicle control, speech processing and natural language processing, neuroscience research, and applications in computer vision.
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