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Below are our most popular pages

Insight into opportunities using social policy

This page provides an insight into this area.

Insight into opportunities using sociology

Sociology graduates develop knowledge and skills that are attractive to a wide number of graduate employers. Research and analytical skills developed through your course enable you to analyse data, report and make recommendations..

Insight into publishing & journalism blog

Top tips from recent graduates working in publishing and journalism roles. Find out what websites they would recommend and what myths they would want to dispel.

Insight into Science and Healthcare sectors

Take a look at the resources available to help you pursue a career in Science and Healthcare

Insight into Surveying

What careers are available in surveying, qualifications required, improving employability and links to additional information.

Insight into town planning

An insight into town planning careers - information about what town planners do, qualifications needed and others.

Insight Into... careers in the environment

Getting into careers in the environment. Types of jobs available, where can you work , increasing employability, and useful links.

Inspiring Interns - graduate internships & career blogs

Inspiring Interns is the UK's leading graduate recruitment agency, working with a range of companies, from the newest start-ups to the likes of M&C Saatchi, OK Magazine, Virgin and Lloyds.


nStudents is a visionary platform founded by Kritesh Bisht and dedicated to enriching the lives of international students in the UK.

Interlink Laboratories

Interlink Laboratories partner with educational institutes to provide all in one facilities for academics to develop their own cubesats (small satellites).
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