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Useful Careers Network links

Below are our most popular pages

Internships and work experience

Make the most of the range of internship schemes, opportunities, bursaries and support available from Careers Network.

Internships and Work Experience Fair 2023 (Virtual)

Meet a range of graduate recruiters who are offering challenging work experience, summer internships and year placements. Please note that this is for the virtual event, the on-campus event takes place on 8 February.

Interview support

Overview of the range of interview services and resources Careers Network provide, including videos, workshops, interview software and practice interviews.

Interviews: What not to do (video transcript)

Interviews: What not to do (video transcript)

Introduction to Careers Connect video transcript

Introduction to Careers Connect video transcript

Introduction to GoinGlobal video transcript

GoinGlobal is a resource to help you explore working or studying around the world, research the job market and find vacancies in your chosen country. You will also find information on the cultural etiquette in the workplace of your chosen country.

Introduction to Legal Commercial Awareness webinars - October 2021

Law students, register for The Law Society's interactive webinars.

Introduction to Profiling for Success (video transcript)

Profiling for Success is a psychometric testing tool, available to all students, that is incredibly useful for those looking to develop the skills necessary to succeed in the job application process.

Introduction to Shortlist.Me video transcript

Shortlist.Me enables you to practise your interview skills whenever you want, no matter where you are. Shortlist.Me recreates the online interview process that you may experience when applying for internships or graduate roles.
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