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Kanga Yoga - Freya Samuel

Kanga Yoga is a yoga accessories business created by University of Birmingham graduate, Freya Samuel (BA Modern Languages).


Karter helps companies hire student developers in universities to help them build their products. We help students earn and build work experience through practical projects and we help businesses work and identify tomorrow's best engineers.

Kathryn Waters, Unity Streets

Feedback from a UoB student who participated in the Up Our Street Project.

Katie Whitehouse

Story from Katie Whitehouse who works as a Civil Service Fast Streamer at the Department for Education as a Policy Officer who graduated from with a 1st in Psychology in 2020.

Kayleigh Vaughan, Unity Streets

Feedback from a UoB student who participated in the Up Our Street Project.

Kerry Brunn, Projects and Events Manager

A brief biography about Kerry Brunn, who organises and facilitates B-Enterprising and B Start-Up programme events as well as managing and assisting on enterprising Careers Network projects at the University of Birmingham.

Kevin Currell - video transcript

Kevin Currell - video transcript


Koazy Home and Furniture is a start-up created by University of Birmingham co-founders Guangyu Shi and (Ray) Ruixin Tong.

KPMG upcoming events

Register for the upcoming events that will introduce you to KPMG and some of the Graduate Trainees, provide information on how to navigate the application process and more!
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