The mentoring relationship

Mentoring is a unique opportunity that allows you to receive advice and guidance from a professional in the area you are interested in.

Careers Network have a range of mentors, many of whom are Birmingham graduates, who have all volunteered their time to offer their expertise and help you succeed beyond graduation.

All mentees are supported throughout their mentoring relationship, including an induction training session and online course that helps you make the most of the opportunity. 

In order for the experience to be successful, it is important to take the time to build that rapport with a mentor and making the effort to show your commitment to the scheme.

How to have a successful mentoring experience

Below are some of the characteristics and behaviours that contribute to bringing a more successful mentoring experience for all.

A successful mentoring relationship

To develop a successful mentoring partnership, the relationship needs key attributes:

Both the mentor and mentee:

  • Trust and respect
  • Commitment
  • Ongoing and effective communication
  • Two-way learning
  • Develop skills and understanding
  • Share ideas and feedback
  • Problem solving
  • Find the experience rewarding

A successful mentoring relationship is a process of two-way learning that is ‘student-centred’ and steered by the mentee.

Mentor will:

  • Offer support
  • Have relevant knowledge
  • Challenge the mentee

Mentee will:

  • Take responsibility
  • Demonstrate good time management
  • Prepare for meetings and keeps up the momentum
  • Keep the relationship on track to achieve their goals
  • Share any concerns or expectations openly
  • Show enthusiasm and is proactive

Being an effective mentee

Characteristics of a mentee include: 

  • Proactive
  • Good time management 
  • Honest
  • Willing to learn
  • Focussed on furthering personal and professional development
  • Comfortable being challenged
  • Flexible and open-minded
  • Willing to move out of their 'comfort zone'
  • Professionalism 

It will be the mentee's responsibility to arrange meetings, understand what they hope to achieve and keeping their mentor informed about how the mentoring relationship is progressing. 

Also, communication is key so keeping on top of your emails and attending meetings on time will help to let the relationship flow. But if you are trying to work on this, let your mentor know this as early on as possible.

Being an effective mentor

It is useful to understand the mentor's perspective as it is a two way process and relationship. Your mentor wants to also gain something too. 

Characteristics of a mentor:

  • Supportive
  • Encouraging 
  • Motivating
  • Empowering
  • Knowledgeable
  • Active listener
  • Good communicator
  • Challenges the mentee

Mentors are there to offer insight into their career but you will need to determine how often the meetings are and what are the preferred communication methods.

Your mentor will be willing to share their knowledge but please remember mentors may not have all the answers. It's crucial to be prepared for all interactions, as mentors will have a lot to share but it is up to you to ask effective questions to gain these answers.


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