Mentoring frequently asked questions

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about becoming a mentor with the University of Birmingham.

If you have further questions, please email us at

Frequently asked questions

Is there any training provided?

When you register as a mentor you will be provided with access to our online mentor training course which has lots of useful resources to support you through your mentorship. 

What is the time commitment?

We ask our volunteers to commit to one hour per month, although this may not be in a one hour block each month. This can be flexible depending on availability and the objectives of the mentorship. When you meet your mentee for the first time you can discuss the frequency and duration of your meetings. 

I am not an alumnus of University of Birmingham – can I still sign up as a mentor?

Although many of our mentors are alumni, we welcome non-alumni and staff members as well. 

How many mentees can I have at one time?

At any given time we recommend that mentors have a maximum of two mentees in order dedicate a sufficient amount of time to each mentee and to not impact heavily on the mentor's work load.

Must the mentoring meetings be in person, or can they happen in other ways?

We encourage face to face meetings where possible however, depending on availabilty and location we recognise this may not always be possible. We welcome you to use virtual communication channels such as Teams, Zoom, Skype etc to keep in touch with your mentee.    

Are all mentors matched to a mentee?

Although we will do our best to find a suitable mentee each time, this is not always possible as it depends on student demand. We are very grateful for your support and if you are not matched straight away, we will prioritise you in the matching process for our next intake of mentees. 

There are also other opportunities for you to be invovled with that allow you to still share your career journey such as a creating a website profile, being a guest speaker or offering work experience. We will be happy to discuss other options with you too if you are interested. 

How long does the mentoring relationship last?

The mentoring relationships last for 6 months. You are welcome to keep in touch with your mentee after this point but it would be seperate from the University and outside of the official scheme. We encourage you to discuss with your mentee whether you will stay in touch with one another during your final meeting. 

Should I offer my mentee work experience?

We don’t expect our mentors to provide work experience as part of the mentorship. However, we would always welcome any offer to facilitate a work experience/work shadowing opportunity as we know how invaluable this can be for the mentee's employability.

Alternatively, you may be able to support your mentee by connecting them with someone from your network or using your mentoring meetings to share advice around how they might source and apply for work experience opportunities.

Within Careers Network we also have a Work Experience Team who offer advice and guidance as well as bespoke internship programmes. You can find out more via our Work Experience webpages. 




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