SRSAB keep a record of all the SSFs in the University and the contacts for each SSF and School, such as SLC, admin, SEOs. This list is circulated to School and College contacts at the start of each academic session to enable any changes to be made, though changes can be made through the year.
If there are any changes to the number and level of SSFs in the College/School it is expected that your CQAAC approve the changes before a request is made to SRSAB to update the list (via the
secretary). These changes may include the removal of SSFs due to programmes no longer running, the combining of SSFs (e.g. combining individual programme SSFs or UG with PGT/PGT with PGR), or new programmes requiring SSFs to be created. The College are asked to consider these plans based on resource and student numbers per SSF to help consolidate SSFs for the purposes of the School/Department.
Minor changes to existing SSFs, such as the change of an SLC or admin support staff, can be confirmed without approval via the
update contact form on the SSF Teams. The master copy of the SSF list with contacts is then updated by the SRSAB secretary to ensure those who require communicating with are listed. These lists are also on the Teams site.
If you wish to run an alternative method of representation outside of the agreed operation of SSFs, please submit a proposal and rationale to your CQAAC and then to SRSAB for approval.