You should be familiar with the University's regulations on student and postgraduate researcher representation, and the Code of Practice on the SRS*. Regulations 2.3 and 2.4, and the Code of practice on the Student Representation System.
* Legislation are cohort specific. Please ensure you view the Regulation and Code of Practice specific to the year the students started their studies.
To support the Code of Practice for the Student Representation System, a Code of Conduct (below) has been introduced to ensure that the expectations from all reps remain the same.
A student rep:
1. Will actively engage with the Rep System and Rep Community throughout the year.
2. Will deliver feedback at key points within the academic year and endeavour to close the feedback loop where possible.
3. Will use my position as a Student Rep to the academic benefit of all students.
4. Will respect all students’ contributions to the feedback process and to our academic community equally when gathering feedback and representing students.
5. Will deliver all feedback and discussion with students and staff in a respectful and reasonable manner at all times, even where I may disagree.
6. Will honestly and constructively represent the views of my cohort, as I understand them, when delivering feedback.
7. Will attend committee meetings relevant to my role wherever possible; and where absence is unavoidable, to inform the relevant chairs or organisers at the earliest opportunity prior to the meeting.
8. Will engage fully and enthusiastically with the Rep System to the best of my ability and understand that I am able to seek support from the Guild of Students and my School where I am uncertain or facing difficulty
Complaints against those who may have broken this code of conduct or against the system as a whole can be filed by completing a complaints form which can be found here: I'm A Rep - Guild of Students
A Student Representation System Benchmarking Toolkit has been jointly agreed by the University and the Guild of Students to support the development and operation of a successful SRS. The Toolkit is to be used by staff and students to understand the baseline expectations in the running of the SRS at School, Department, student, staff, University, and Guild of Students level. Good and excellent practice is also included to help improve.
- Student Representation System (SRS) Benchmarking Toolkit (PDF - 829KB)