If you don’t want to take everything home with you, or simply haven’t got the space, you can donate any unwanted clothes, shoes, accessories, books, kitchen utensils, DVDs, or small electrical items to the British Heart Foundation (BHF). Donation bins can be found at:
- The Vale – Maple Bank car park and Shackleton reception
- Selly Oak Village – Jarratt Hall Courtyard
- Pritchatts Park Village – Lower car park
Please note that the BHF cannot accept duvets, pillows, hangers, or broken items.
You can also do your bit to reduce food waste by donating any in-date, unopened and non-perishable food to Birmingham Food Bank. These items can be dropped off at Shackleton and Jarratt Hall receptions.
If you live at Pritchatts Park, you can donate to the Community Pantry instead. Please visit the Guild of Students’ website for donation locations.