Pure, Open Access and Impact Drop-in Sessions

  • Are you adding publications records on Pure?
  • Are you unsure about how to make a record Open Access?
  • Do want know how to add lots of publication records quickly?
  • Would you like more help to use Pure?
  • Would you like support with to use the Impact module in Pure?

If you have any queries or questions relating to Pure and Open Access, no matter how small, please come along to our session and talk to experts who will be on hand to answer your questions.

A member of the research impact team will also be attending the session to answer queries or questions about the revised impact module in Pure.

If you are unable to attend the drop-in session online support via Teams is also available. Please contact pure@contacts.bham.ac.uk for further details.

Drop-in dates
2024 Dates Time Venue
Drop-in sessions will start again from September    

No need to pre-book, just turn up at any time.

Please note:  It will be helpful if you can bring your laptop with you.  If you don't have a laptop,  please come along anyway as we will still be able to help you.



Professional Services