Research systems and data

The Systems and Data Team are responsible for a number of the University’s essential research systems, working in conjunction with IT Services and the Core Systems Optimisation Team (CSOT) to manage, maintain, develop and provide service for the systems and data that underpin and facilitate the work of the Research Strategy & Services Division and the wider research community.


Worktribe is the University’s Research Grant Management System. Worktribe provides a single system to manage the end-to-end research grant process, including costings, contract requests, document storage and all internal approvals.

Access Worktribe here - you can log in is via the usual University sign on and authentication process.

For help and support with Worktribe please contact us at

Worktribe also provides the source data for the University’s applications and awards reporting, which is provided in both BOXI and Tableau. Requests for access to BOXI and Tableau can be made via the IT Service Portal - select ‘Make a Request’ on the home page, then ‘Administrative Systems’).

Worktribe logo on a laptop screen


Pure is the University’s Research Information System, it brings together your research and is where you can add your research outputs and manage your profile.  The Pure database stores and integrates information on a broad range of research activities which is then made publicly available via the University Research Portal.

For help and support please see our Pure intranet site or email us via

Magnifying glass infographic

Core Systems – Research Project Reporting for Principal Investigators

Reporting on the budgets and expenditure on research projects is provided in the Research Dashboard in Core Systems (‘Core Systems/Home/Finance Reporting/Research Projects Dashboard’). Spending on projects is charged to projects based on the coding applied when raising a purchase order or setting up a new research project-funded staff post.

In response to staff feedback we have produced a selection of short videos to show Principal Investigators how to use the reports to get up-to-date budget and expenditure information on their live projects, as well as where to find information on the codes they need to charge purchase requisitions to their projects.

Core systems graphic


Researchfish is the system by which you report your research findings to funders. Researchfish is currently used by many public and charitable research funding agencies (including the UK Research Councils, the BHF, Arthritis Research UK, Cancer Research UK, and NIHR). 

researchfish logo


Professional Services