We deliver training to inform critical aspects of your research project planning and delivery, including funder and scheme-specific training, knowledge and skills for research proposals, research grants training and business engagement.
Researcher training, workshops and events by College
We organise and run a diversity of training sessions for research grants development that is organised by College. Please note that many of these sessions are open to researchers from other Colleges - if the event is listed as being open more widely, please feel free to use the sign-up information for further details and/or to register.
EU & International funding workshops
The EU and International Team run a number of internal information workshops focused on EU and international funding calls each year.
You will find the full calendar of events on our dedicated Research and Development Team page. Please email Gail Bond G.Bond@bham.ac.uk to register.
UKRI and the UK’s National Contact points will also run webinars for EU schemes, these are available on the UKRO website or posted on our MS Teams site (requires a UoB account).
Business engagement, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and Innovate UK funding
The Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) team at the University run in-person and online workshops and drop-ins to raise awareness in the academic community of the benefits of engaging with businesses, and becoming more aware of the impact working with industry can deliver to your career as well as your research portfolio. For more information, contact Kate Jermey (k.jermey@bham.ac.uk) in the KTP Office.
Research ethics, governance and integrity training
We offer centally managed training for research ethics, governance and integrity at the University as well as guidance and details of of relevant training provided externally, including sessions around ethics for QR-funded projects, clinical research project setup, training in the ethics process, Q&As for Research Ethics Manager (ERM), training for new ethics reviewers, online modules and bespoke sessions for colleges, schools and research groups on request.
Training and development from across the University
Academic Development Programme
The People and Organisational Development team offer a comprehensive programme of training courses, designed to support in developing your capabilities and behaviours. This includes the Academic Development Programme (ADP), which can help you to progress from Assistant to Associate Professor by offering different opportunities to expand your skills, knowledge and experience.
Communication and metrics
Through their Influential Researcher programme, the Library Services team deliver a range of courses and workshops that will help you to curate your online identity, raise your profile and develop a strategy for communicating your research. These include:
The University of Birmingham Enterprise team provides a range of training to academic staff which will help them to develop commercial opportunities and create impact. These include:
- The Medici Enterprise Training Programme, which can give you the business skills, knowledge, and confidence to engage with business and industry in an impactful and professional way.
- Spinout Basecamps, designed to support UoB spinout opportunities as they get closer to launching. It has been designed to provide advice and guidance on the areas of business start-up that are most important to the stage that they are at.
- Bespoke training programmes with schools and colleges to raise awareness of entrepreneurship and commercialisation within that discipline.
Public engagement
The Public Engagement team designs, organises and delivers training sessions and workshops throughout the year. Training opportunities are open to researchers and professional service staff from across all Colleges. These include:
- Getting Started in Public Engagement is designed for those new to public engagement, presented via online and in-person formats, and focuses on simple, practical information to get started in engaging different audiences with your own research.
- Grants and Public Engagement is an online training session for those applying for money to fund public engagement activity.
- 'Leading to Engage' is a 12 month programme designed to catalyse culture change and provide participants with an opportunity to test and pilot new approaches to public and community engagement.
The team also offer ad-hoc, bespoke training and drop-in sessions, as well as information on a range of external public engagement training sources available.
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