Birmingham Business School Supports Tiny Babies

Birmingham Business School helped raise in excess of £14,500 to support tiny babies born at the Neonatal Unit at the Birmingham Women’s Hospital.

‘Sparkling Soiree’, the charity ball that took place at Bournville College on 3rd March, was attended by 260 guests including 10 colleagues from the School. The School was the ‘Platinum’ headline sponsor for the event.  Monies raised will be used to provide support for the Family Integrated Care Project at the Neonatal Unit, assisting families whilst their babies are on the unit.

One of our lecturers, Dr. Domenico Moro, has a personal connection to the charity, as his twins were born at the Women’s Hospital twelve weeks early. It was Dr. Moro who approached the School about the sponsorship, as his partner who works at Bournville College was organising the event.  This is the third event the couple have organised since the birth of their babies in 2013, raising over £45,000 for the charity.


We would never be able to thank the staff at the neonatal unit for saving the lives of our precious girls but we wanted to do something to say thank you. It’s a very good fit, linking our local college and our local hospital together with the University,’ Domenico said.

Eileen Rock, the fundraising manager at the Women’s Hospital, said:

‘We are very grateful to Birmingham Business School for sponsoring this event. The funds raised will be used to provide support for our tiny patients; so on their behalf, and on behalf of their families, thank you!’

 If you would like to donate, please visit


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