Request a change on the website

Website content changes

All content update requests should be made via the External Website Requests Service Portal.

If your role is based in a college, such requests will be assigned directly to the relevant college web or digital team. If you wish to contact or check who are your college web team contacts, please view our content owners list:

Find your content owner

Staff profiles

If you would like to update your staff profile, or if you are new to the University and would like to request a new profile, you need to download a template below and attach the completed form to a request made via the External Website Requests Service Portal.

Integrating Pure with your staff profile

From 26 June you will be able to pull through information from your Pure profile to your staff profile on the main website. To get this set up, complete the integration request form.

News, events and research activity

If your role is based in a college, you can use our templates for research projects, news and events and request via the External Website Requests Service Portal.

If you feel the template isn't appropriate for your needs, or if you would like a discussion about promoting your work online, get in touch with your College Marketing and Communications team who will be happy to help. 

For news and events outside of Colleges, contact the website content owner for your area to discuss your requirements. 


To request a homepage banner for your campaign, project or activity, contact Andy Tootell in the Campaigns and Reputation team. If approved, your activity will then be booked into the schedule, and you'll need to provide text and images for the homepage 'slice'. 

Request a new website

If you need a website outside of the domain for your project, make a request via the External Website Requests Service Portal and the web lead in your area will be able to recommend the best route for your project. 


Professional Services