Request Contensis training

If you wish to complete Contensis training please contact the relevant content owner for the section of the site you want to edit, with the following information. If you are a suitable candidate for training, the content owner will then submit a training request on your behalf.

  • Your name
  • Your ADF username
  • Your line manager, if in academic services. Please also confirm that they have given their approval for you to be trained.
  • Your job title
  • Which team you are in
  • Which site you want access to edit

Contact your content owner

To contact your content owner, use the relevant process:

What happens next?

Step 2

If you are a suitable candidate for training, your content owner will submit a training request form on your behalf, which will go to the team which deals with Contensis training requests within IT Services.

Step 3

The Contensis training requests team will give you access to training folders in Contensis. The team will then contact you via a Service Desk ticket, copying in your content owner, with a link to enrol on the Canvas training course. Contact will normally be made within two weeks of the request being submitted. You will be asked to inform your content owner when you have completed training, detailing which folder your training page is saved in. 

Note: where there is no response on the Service Desk ticket within 1 month of the enrolment link being sent, the ticket may be closed.

Step 4

Once your content owner has checked that you are proficient with the functional use of Contensis, they will respond to the Service Desk ticket that was originally raised, confirming that you can now have editor access. 

Step 5

The Contensis training request team will arrange for you to be given the editor access that was originally requested for you, and the Service Desk ticket will be closed.


Contensis is the name for the content management system that delivers our website and intranet.  
Prospective editors should be comfortable with basic HTML and accessibility best practices. 


Professional Services