Archived Legislation

The University has two categories of 'archived legislation'. The first category of archived legislation is cohort legislation that could still be in use (due to students from that entry cohort remaining registered with the University), but because of criteria being met, is no longer updated. The second category of archived legislation is for legislation that is no longer being used.

Category One - the criteria that needs to be met for cohort legislation to become archived legislation is that it needs to be over six (6) academic sessions / years old, as by that point the vast majority of students from that entry cohort will have completed their studies. In practice, this means that the:

  • 2016-17 Legislation (i.e. the first year of cohort legislation) become archived, and no longer updated, after the 2021-22 academic session ended. Therefore, at the beginning of the 2022-23 academic session (i.e. the seventh academic session after it was published), it became archived legislation.
  • 2017-18 Legislation (i.e. the second year of cohort legislation) become archived, and no longer updated, after the 2022-23 academic session ended. Therefore, at the beginning of the 2023-24 academic session (i.e. the seventh academic session after it was published), it became archived legislation.
  • 2018-19 Legislation (i.e. the third year of cohort legislation) become archived, and no longer updated, after the 2023-24 academic session ended. Therefore, at the beginning of the 2024-25 academic session (i.e. the seventh academic session after it was published), it became archived legislation.

All category one archived legislation can be found below:

Category Two - all University Legislation that was published prior to the introduction of cohort legislation is archived and is no longer in use. In practice, this means that all legislation published prior to the 2016-17 academic session (i.e. 2015-16 and before) falls under this category. This category of archived legislation goes back as far as 2007-08. All category two archived legislation can be found below:


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