School responses to external examiner reports

It is essential that Schools provide considered and timely responses to the comments and recommendations in an external examiner’s annual report.

School responses should outline actions that will be taken as a result of the report and the reasons for not taking any action in relation to any comments made.

When a report is received by the University Registry it is scrutinised by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) (or their Deputy) and the University Registry.

Issues raised in the report are highlighted and sent on to the School with a summary sheet attached.

School responses, once completed, should be signed off by the Head of School (or Head of Education) and a copy of the letter and summary sheet sent to the University Registry.

Guidance on writing School responses can be found in this prompt sheet (PDF- 91KB) and a number of examples of good practice are given below. In each case the School has considered the issues raised in turn and given a considered response to the comments made.

Examples of response letters

  • Example 1 (including introduction by DoE) (PDF - 1.03MB)
  • Example 2 (including introduction by DoE) (PDF - 1.86MB)
  • Example 3 (HoS Response) (PDF - 28KB)
  • Example 4 (HoS Response) (PDF - 30KB)
  • Example 5 (HoS Response) (PDF - 42KB)
  • Example 6 (combined letter addressing issues raised by all) (PDF - 27KB)

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