The principles of the annual review process of modules and programmes offered by the University also apply to programmes covered by Collaborative Provision arrangements.
Validated programmes, new UoB collaborative programmes (in their first, second and possibly third year), and UoB programmes involving a significant proportion of delivery by the collaborative organisation will be required to complete a Collaborative Programme Review form in addition to the other annual review requirements (i.e. module review).
All other collaborative programmes will not be required to complete a Collaborative Programme Review form. Schools should however review these programmes (and associated Tableau data) as part of the University annual review process.
Modules delivered in part or in full by a collaborative organisation should be reviewed using the standard Module Review form.
Individual Collaborative Programme Review forms will be sent to relevant Collaborative Programmes Officers (CPOs) or Programme Directors in early June. CPOs or Programme Directors should complete the Collaborative Programme Review form in conjunction with the relevant collaborative organisation. Completed forms for UG programmes should be uploaded to MS Teams by 20 September 2024, for PGT programmes and by 20 December 2024.
Guidance notes on Collaborative Provision Annual Review (DOC - 32KB)
All forms for the review of collaborative provision arrangements to be submitted to MS Teams.
Any queries about the annual review process for collaborative provision should be directed to Sarah O'Donovan