If you would like to submit an Academic Appeal, you should first read the Code of Practice on Academic Appeals Procedures. In particular you should pay careful attention to Section 4.3 'Grounds for Appeal'. You will then need to complete a submission form, paying careful attention to the guidance notes.
For the relevant forms and Code of Practice, please select from the links below:
Before completing the form you should carefully read the student's written submission guidance notes containing frequently asked questions. If you have received a graduatable award (e.g. an Undergraduate Bachelors/Masters, Postgraduate Masters or Doctoral Level qualification) and are appealing the outcome/classification please make sure to read the guidance (point 18) in the FAQ below relating to graduation.
Appeal Forms for Download
Please find the correct appeal form for your programme below. You can also download the help-sheet for guidance on how to complete an appeal form here: Guidance for completing the Academic Appeal Form (PDF - 193KB)
Taught students' appeal form (Undergraduate and Postgraudate Taught):
Research students' appeal form (MRes/PhD):
Further information