
We wish to provide a high standard of guidance to our students so that they are able to understand what plagiarism is and why it is unacceptable, avoid the penalties that can follow the submission of plagiarised work, make proper use of source referencing in order to obtain good marks.

What is plagiarism?


Plagiarism is the act of a Student claiming as their own, intentionally or by omission, work which they have not done. Plagiarism also includes deliberately claiming to have done work submitted for assessment which was never undertaken by that Student, and includes self-plagiarism. Details of what the University considers to be plagiarism can be found in Code of Practice on Academic Integrity (Please note this Code of Practice relates to the current cohort 2024/25 - it is important to refer to the correct cohort details for your studies. Further information relating to alternative cohort years is available on the cohort legislation pages).

How can I avoid plagiarism?

To avoid plagiarism, make sure you take time to reference accurately and don't be afraid to ask for help! We've put together a set of resources for you to use as as starting point.

Find out more

For more information about plagiarism, please select from the links below. Please note the information below relates to the current cohort (2020/21) - it is important to refer to the correct cohort details for your studies. Further information relating to alternative cohort years is available on the cohort legislation and regulations pages:

Information for staff

  • Information for staff

Are you plagiarism aware?

Why don't you brush up your knowledge of plagiarism with some of the resources on our plagiarism awareness page?



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