Assessment centre support

Assessment centres offer recruiters the opportunity to observe the way you operate and interact with others, and provide more information about your skills and abilities than an interview alone.

Assessment centres are an increasingly popular tool in the recruitment process of graduate employers, and to be invited to an assessment centre means the employer already believes you have the potential to fulfil the role.

They test specific work-based activities to see how a candidate handles them e.g. report writing, group exercises and presentations. 

Take the following steps to ensure you receive the right support at the right time:

1. Assessment centre support

Access our range of support on Careers Connect, including advice, workshops, and videos. Keep track of your progress on your account to prepare for your assessment centre.

2. Attend an assessment centre workshop or watch online

Come along to our 30 minute assessment centre workshops to find out how to be successful at assessment centres and what kind of activities you may face.

Additionally, take part in a mock assessment centre session, delivered by a real employer, to experience assessment centre activities.

Assessment centre workshop listing

Workshop recordings

You can also watch recordings of our Top Tips for Assessment Centre workshops (coming soon).

3. Use our practice interview platform - Shortlist.Me

Our new practice interview platform, Shortlist.Me, enables you to practice for your interview online and get top employer insights. overview

  1. Browse sector specific practice interviews""
  2. Sign up to practise the selected interview
  3. Introduction and instructions
  4. Interview answer recorded and submitted
  5. Each answer is reviewed before the next question


Professional Services