Careers Network on social media

Careers Network has many social media accounts including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

We have Twitter and Facebook accounts for each College, so you will always receive the most relevant information from Careers Network. Click on each platform below to find out more.

Central Careers Network social media accounts 


Stay updated with the latest events and engaging stories from our students and graduates by following us on Instagram.

X (Twitter)

Follow our Twitter feeds for up to date events information, advice and tweet our experts any questions.


A great way to keep up with careers information & events on the world’s favourite social network.


YouTube isn't just for music videos! Watch our students and graduates talking about their experiences.

Other Careers Network social media accounts 

LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn is a valuable online tool that can help you network professionally online and is being increasingly used by graduate recruiters to recruit for internships and graduate vacancies.

There are several LinkedIn groups available to help you network with other students and Careers Network staff.

You can also use LinkedIn to search for jobs.

E-learning courses

Careers Network offers a number of e-learning courses on careers related topics at Careers on Canvas. You will also find resources, events and workshops through your school career Canvas course.


Professional Services