A number of NHS Trusts will provide pharmacy summer placements and these will be advertised on the Pharmacy Careers Canvas Course.
You can make speculative applications by contacting the superintendent or Lead Pharmacist at a hospital. You can use the browse employer function on jobs.nhs.uk
You can also use the contact details for current vacancies in pharmacy to make enquiries about work experience or part time jobs.
Many community based pharmacies will offer work experience or part time jobs within the pharmacy:
To make speculative applications to pharmacies across the company, try the search tool on Oriel. This will provide the locations and weblink/contact details of pharmacies across England, Wales and Scotland. Go to Oriel and select “Pharmacy”.
If you are keen to get experience across the broader pharmaceutical sector try Gradcracker and Rate MyPlacement. For more general resources on working in pharmacy you can explore Careers in Pharmacy.
For a list of recruiters across the wider pharmaceutical sector - ABPI - pharmaceutical recruiters
To connect with pharmacy graduates from UoB, why not join the Pharmacy Students and Graduates LinkedIn group?