(Updated on 11 April 2024)
The Bursary is designed to support students in covering the costs associated with unpaid or low-paid work experience. Eligible students can apply for up to a maximum of £2500. The amount you apply for will depend on the individual circumstances of your proposed work experience. What can be funded is described below. If you have other requirements not listed, please do let us know in your application.
What the bursary can cover:
The Bursary can fund your rent during the work experience period, or budget hotels or other value for money (VFM) accommodation such as an Airbnb, youth hostel or bed and breakfast. There is a maximum value of £120 per night, including breakfast. This is dependent on location and time of year. Evidence of 3 accommodations must be provided as part of your VFM research or evidence of your rent payments. Funds for staying at home cannot be obtained.
Travel expenses
Flights and travel going to the work experience and back to your home or rented accommodation or work experience accommodation will be permitted, with accompanying evidence. Please note you may be advised to seek Turing funding first for international travel over 28 days. The cheapest and most efficient way of reaching your destination should be used. All domestic travel should be standard/economy class. Journeys made on rail, bus, ferry, river boat, underground, metro or tram services can be claimed. Funds for Taxi fares can only be budgeted where alternative methods of transport are impractical due to location, pregnancy, disability, illness or injury, luggage/bulky equipment or travelling on a short trip for a journey that is deemed very early e.g. 7am or late (which we consider to be unlikely from a Provider offering work experience)
Suit or smart attire can be purchased including shoes to a maximum value of £120. Evidence of what you seek to purchase is required. We recommend that you purchase your clothing when you have received written confirmation that your bursary application has been approved and successful.
Dependent care costs
Should you have caring responsibilities, we recognise that to undertake the work experience, additional costs may be involved. Evidence of a registered provider is required with associated costs.
Certain types of insurance may be needed for your experience. Please let us know your requirements and associated costs.
Visa and vaccinations
A visa may be required for international travel and vaccinations. Note that not all travel vaccinations are available free on the NHS, even if they're recommended for travel to a certain area.
If you have other requirements not listed, please do get in touch with us to make an inquiry.
What the Bursary will not cover:
- Salary
- Bills
- Retrospective work experience applications
- Equipment, which is expected for use at University, e.g. laptop
- Attending career related open days
- Attending conferences
- Attending courses
- 12 month placements and electives that are part of a degree programme and the work experiences are not undertaken in the summer vacation.
We have compiled a Careers Network webpage to support you in understanding what types of work experience you could undertake. Please go to ‘searching for work experience opportunities’. You could also make a speculative application. Please note the Bursary cannot be used to support work experience or internships considered to be in conflict with the principles or policies of the University or the student’s charter. More information on these can be found at:
Any questions?
Contact: workexperience@contacts.bham.ac.uk