Undergraduates: gain research experience

If you are an undergraduate interested in further study, there are many ways to gain research experience at this stage to give you a taste of academic research.

Research is an essential part of most postgraduate degrees and the foundation of an academic career. There are also many jobs outside of academia that value research and analysis.

This page provides some ways that you can develop research skills as an undergraduate.

Undergraduate Bursaries

Careers Network offers a bursary scheme to certain undergraduate students to help fund unpaid or low paid work experience. This is a popular scheme for students wishing to undertake a research internship where you may not receive any financial support. 

Our research schemes and work experience

We have a mixture of formal schemes and informal work experience opportunities at the University of Birmingham. Remember to ask about opportunities in your College, School and Department. Below are some examples of different types of opportunities.


College of Medical and Dental Sciences has a webpage on undergraduate initiatives in developing a Clinical Academic Career, which includes Intercalated degrees. This highlights a number of benefits such as developing your own research. 

First years

The Birmingham Project

The Birmingham Project is exclusively for first year students. You will work in a student team, with employers and academics, to develop business solutions to key social and environmental issues, using your research and digital skills.  As part of your group project you will be offered a suite of training support to allow you to enhance your skills, discover your strengths, and develop your confidence. The Birmingham Project takes place in June; for more information visit The Birmingham Project website.

Second/penultimate years

Capgemini Community Challenge


An exclusive opportunity not offered at any other university in the UK, the Community Challenge is one of the most exciting opportunities on offer to undergraduates. In teams, you'll make a real difference to a Shropshire charity. You’ll work with them to understand their challenges and deliver real-life solutions. Whether it’s creating a marketing strategy or helping a charity overcome its IT or fundraising challenges, this is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself and learn new skills. Learn more by visiting the Capgemini Community Challenge webpage.

Final years

Research poster conferences

Final years have the opportunity to take part in dissertation research poster conferences. This is a great chance to engage with the research culture of your Department by presenting a poster and testing your ideas. See a poster example from the School of History and Cultures.

You can also get insight into doctoral research by visiting the postgraduate Research Poster Conference, the flagship event for the University Graduate School. Postgraduate researchers from across the Colleges come together in the Great Hall of the Aston Webb Building to present their research to fellow researchers, a panel of judges and members of the public.

Dissertation topic

For your final-year project, choose a topic that allows you to develop and demonstrate research skills. You may be able to carry out experiments or use specialist lab equipment. Discuss with your supervisor about how you can use this element of your course to gain research experience.

All undergraduates

Talk to academics

Talk to your Personal Tutor about their research interests or arrange an appointment with an academic in your department. You may be able to undertake work shadowing or receive feedback on your research ideas. They may also be able to point you in the direction of research centres and conferences that are relevant to your interests.

Off-campus work experience

You could also develop research skills by doing work experience with an external company or organisation. Consider speculative approaches: you may have a research project that you could pitch to an employer or you could enquire about working within a department, such as market research. Work experience with other organisations will give you transferable skills and insight into different types of research. This would be particularly useful if you do not wish to stay in academia after further study.

  • Remember to search Careers Connect for internship and work experience vacancies, which are either sourced by our internship officers or advertised by employers. You could filter your search by choosing the Business Area, ‘Science, Research and Pharmaceuticals’.



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