Careers After an Arts & Humanities PhD: Alumni Perspectives

Online - a zoom link will be sent to you following registration
Thursday 12 May 2022 (12:00-13:30)

To ask any questions or for more information about this event, please contact Holly Prescott on:

Whilst postgraduate research in the sciences can have more clear applications and routes into ‘industry’ careers, career options for PGRs in the humanities and arts can often seem less 'obvious.' The realities of how to progress within academia may feel unclear; equally, it can feel challenging to know where to start with exploring career options adjacent to, and beyond, academia.

Join us as we hear from a selection of Arts & Humanities PhD alumni about how they moved into a variety of different jobs after their PhDs.

You’ll also get top tips on how to explore your options and to think creatively about your next steps from the University of Birmingham’s PGR Careers Adviser, Holly Prescott. 

Panellists include:

  • Dr Erin Connelly (PhD Medieval English): Assistant Professor (Research Focused), University of Warwick
  • Dr Lisa Alberici (PhD Classics & Ancient History): Senior Lecturer in Academic Practice, University of Exeter
  • Dr Laura Gallon (PhD English Literature): Editorial Assistant at Bloomsbury Academic

The event is designed to help you:

  • Increase your understanding of next steps after a humanities PhD, both within and beyond academia
  • Apply advice from alumni to your own career research and job hunting
  • Make some alumni contacts who have transitioned into different sectors
  • Ask any questions you have about next steps post-PhD to our panellists


A Zoom attendance link will be sent to you on registration, and in a reminder prior to the event. 


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