Three Minute Thesis, 3MT Presentation Workshop (In-person)

Muirhead Tower (R21 on campus map) - Lecture Theatre G15
Wednesday 20 March 2024 (14:00-16:00)


What happens at the 3MT Presentation Workshop?

Join Georgina Hardy, Postgraduate Development Officer in the Research Skills Team, for this 3MT Presentation Workshop.

If you enter 3MT, you'll have three minutes and one PowerPoint slide to present your thesis topic to a non-specialist audience. This workshop will explore the opportunities and limitations of the three minute thesis format to allow you to create a 3MT performance that will be engaging, inspiring and impactful.

What is 3MT?

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a research communication competition developed by the University of Queensland in 2008, in which doctoral researchers have just three minutes to deliver an engaging presentation on their thesis topic, its originality and its significance.

With universities across the world now holding their own 3MT competitions, we are delighted to be running the University of Birmingham 3MT and to invite our own doctoral researchers to participate in such a highly-regarded competition.

If you are a current doctoral researcher interested in developing your presentation and research communication skills, raising the profile of your research and having the chance to win an international research bursary, we encourage you to read more on our 3MT Intranet page and then join the Canvas Course to take part in 3MT 2024.

Who can enter?

This event is open only to those currently registered on a doctoral programme (such as a PhD) at the University of Birmingham. This includes researchers who have submitted their thesis and are awaiting their viva.


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